How you can donate and help OUR Church
New Vision Christian Tabernacle offers a wide range of programs, worship opportunities, and community outreach. We offer our gifts in response to God’s love, and the grace of Jesus, which we seek to make known through the ministries of this congregation. Giving is not limited to simply our finances; it’s a lifestyle.
When we live with the spirit of giving, when we give the Lord our tithes and our offerings, when we give to those in need, when we give of our time, our love, our resources, we are sowing seeds that God will make sure blossoms into a rich harvest! Not just of financial blessings, but rich in all aspects of life. He’ll make sure the right doors open, the right people come into your life, and the right breaks are received.
Click the green button to tithe.
ways you can donate:
Members and those who have joined the church as friends usually receive donation envelopes in the mail, but extra envelopes are available in the pews if you would like to make a donation during one of our services.of programs, worship opportunities, and community outreach.
Cash ApP
To donate securely by Cash App, click here or on the green button above.

You can donate via PayPal if you have an active account and are in good standing.